Webinar held 2024-12-03 where we together with out UK Partner 2Tix talk about working efficiently in the Nordkap platform
In this 30 minute informal seminar, Adrian Joliffe, Director of 2Tix Ltd, discusses with Viktor Magnusson, CFO of Nordkap how to address common treasury management issues, streamline operations, reduce manual errors, and improve the efficiency of your treasury activities.
Social housing treasury teams often wrestle with their treasury spreadsheets locating and fixing errors which takes hours of precious time.
Oganisations report three main categories of treasury management business problem:
Information management and reporting issues
Operational deficiencies/drawbacks
Debt management firefighting
The alternative is often a complex treasury management system which can be tricky to implement and expensive to license and maintain. In this seminar you will see how the Nordkap Treasury Management software can affordably address all these problems.