Part 4. Familiarize yourself with the system and focus on the core functionalities

This article is part 4 of the system introduction offered to you when you receive your login credentials from Nordkap.

Learning a new system, especially a cloud-based platform that manages complex functions like debts and financial instruments, requires both a structured approach and hans-on practice. Here are some steps to help you get started and quickly become comfortable with the system:

Familiarize yourself with the system's interface and features

  • Explore Nordkap:
    • Take the time to navigate through the system without expecting to master everything immediately. Explore different parts of the interface, such as menus, tabs and settings.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Help Center:
    • Becoming familiar with our Help Center will not only teach you more about the system as you read the articles, but it will also provide you with a place to find answers to your questions.
  • Watch webinars:
    • In our Help Center, we have webinars that can be helpful for learning how Nordkap works and how you can use the system easily. The webinars are often focused on a specific part of Nordkap, so you as a user can watch content that is relevant to you. 

Focus on the basic functionalities first

  • Add positions:
    • Create examples of debts or loans that resemble those you have in real life. This will help you get a feel for how to structure and manage you positions.
    • Follow the instructions in the Help Center to create a new position and learn more about what the different terms and settings means.
    • Choose to make the position Fictitious and place it in a separate Portfolio when registering it, if you want to distinguish it from your actual positions.
  • Update terms and Adjust Events: 
    • Once you’ve registered your position, try making some adjustments. How do you change the payment date, extend a loan, adjust the margin, or record an extra amortization? This will help you understand the options available in the system and how to maintain your positions over time, even when terms change.
  • Test reports based on your real needs:
    • After registering at least one test position, try generating some of the reports you will use regularly (e.g., the Maturity Report or the Accrued Report).
    • This will give you both practical experience and an understanding of the features that are most relevant to you.

Utilize access to support and training

  • Contact support for questions:
    • If you get stuck on something, don’t hesitate to reach out to for assistance!
  • Book training sessions:
    • Of course, at Nordkap, we offer the oppurtunity to sit down together and go through the system, either digitally or in person.
    • We understand how important it is to feel confident in our system, and we also know the value you can gain once you do. So, contact, and we’ll ensure you meet with one of our skilled team members for a foundational training session if you feel you need it.
  • Do not unsubscribe from Nordkap communications:
    • When we created a user account for you, you were also registered to receive communications from us.
    • We send out newsletters, invite you to webinars and send updates when there are system issues that might affect your experience. By not unsubscribing from Nordkap communications, you ensure you’ll always have access to important and useful information.

Be patient and use the system

  • Practice makes perfect:
    • Just like with any new software, you will get better at the system by using it regularly. The more you work in Nordkap, the more natural it will feel.
      Learning a new system can be overwhelming at first, but the more you use it, the easier it will become. Give yourself time to get used to Nordkap, and expect that it will take some time before you feel completely comfortable with all the features.

  • Compare Nordkap to Excel:
    • If you've previously worked with Excel, write down the processes and features you use most often, and think about how the system might simplify or improve them. Does the system have automated features that Excel doesn't have? Are there any features you feel are missing?
  • Take notes on tips and tricks:
    • Keep a simple log or notebook where you jot down things you learn about the system, such as shortcuts, useful features, or common issues.
  • Create your own guides:
    • As you become more comfortable with the system, write down the steps you think are most important to remember. This can become a helpful reference for you and others on your team.
    • At Nordkap, we can also create guides and training materials together with you. We can assist with our system expertise while you explain your needs and workflows so that we can create optimized guides tailored to your team.